Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 1: Flow

This week’s animation topic is flow. I never really thought about how important flow is to creating a realistic animation. Flow is something that we take for granted in the real world. I just got home from the first class of the semester and had some time to kill before my next class, so I figured I would fight a few rounds in Super Street Fighter 4. while playing I found an interesting example of flow:

There is a character in the game named Ibuki, she has extremely long hair and looking at its flow it is pretty impressive.

This is Ibuki in an older game in 2d sprite form. Her hair still flows, but it is not as interesting as is in the 3d game.

Video game graphics have come a long way, and they unlike animation for film, have to react to what the player is doing. This makes the animation all that more impressive.

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