Saturday, September 18, 2010

Peur(s) du noir…

I was going through my files and backing them up when I came across my animaitc for my film. I watched it and stared thinking about what kind of style that I wanted to do it in. I knew that I wanted to do it in black and white. I also know that I wanted to do it more like a silent film, but with music and sound effects. I always loved the old black and white look of the old universal monster movies of the 20’s and 30’s. This reminded me of the movie that I bought a while back Peur(s) du noir or Fear(s) of the dark. This is a collection of animated shorts that are very stylized. Some of the animation are 2d while others are done in 3d . All the shorts have a dark tone and are very in line with the type of stories that I want to tell. The short that I like the most was the one with the man with the dogs. There isn’t much to the story but I just really like the line quality, it’s messy but still some how crisp. The lines almost seem to have a life of their own, and if I do my movie in 2d this is something that I may want to emulate.

I couldn’t find any real clips so I will just post the trailer…

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