Saturday, September 11, 2010


While doing some research for my upcoming run cycle I came across this clip:

I still haven’t seen toy story 3 but I really want to. Pixar does some of my favorite animation. Looking at this clip I got a good look at what it takes to create a realistic run cycle. While doing my walk cycle last semester I had some troubles with my walk cycle because, some of the frames looked so similar to one another. It was difficult to make the movement look smooth. No matter what I did I always had some sort of hiccup. As of right now it looks like a run cycle may be somewhat easier. It seems like since the character is moving faster that there will be a bigger difference in the key poses, so this should make drawing the inbetweens a little easier. Also from this clip I see how important it is to shift the hips of the character. The shifting of the characters weight from left to right is what really sells the effect. It also looks like the head movements will be very important.

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