Monday, November 8, 2010

More Puppet Pin:

During My found images project I tried to use the puppet pin feature of AE. It started out ok. I cut up monster and labeled everything. I imported it into AE and that is when the fun began. I didn’t realize that having all of the body parts in their own layers was going to be very hard for me to keep track of. I had keys every where and everything got out of control. I ended up keying the arms and legs separately and they started doing some crazy things. I wasn’t happy with the way things ended up looking and scraped the whole animation. I then went back and started over and only ended up moving the arms I couldn’t get the legs to look right.
This week, we are working on another puppet pin project, so I looked up some videos to give me some inspiration:

I think is something that you just have to be learned by trial and error. But these have given me some interesting ideas.

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