Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Emotions project:

This week we are doing an emotion project. The goal is convey an emotion through music and animation.  At first I didn’t know what emotion I want to do. My first thought was to do something horror related and make the emotion fear. I started a storyboard for it and I just wasn’t getting any ideas, but while drawing I remember a script that I had written. It was a ghost story but at its core it was a story about loss. There was a scene in the beginning where the man is standing in the cemetery and reflecting when it starts to rain. I thought that this scene would be the perfect for this animation. I got to work on the story board and worked it all out, created all my graphics. Started to import them and then ran into a giant problem: I had way too many layers to get anything done. This problem made me go to the handy dandy internet and look up what to do:

Shy layers made this project possible. Thank you shy layers button!

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