Friday, November 26, 2010

Working on Project

I am working on my scene and everything is coming along. I have created most of my graphics and composed my shot and I like the looks of it. Now I have to figure out how I am going to convey what is going on. This shot in the movie is pretty important it’s the point where everything goes from mundane to weird. I think that I want to move past the bushes and push in on the tent but I am not completely sure how to achieve that. I know that aftereffects has cameras in it, so I looked up how to uses them. I hope that it works for my shot.

From messing around a little bit I think that the camera will work just fine.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Movie:

This week’s project is to work on s scene from our movie. So I went back and looked at my animatic. I think I am going to do the scene where the boy walks through the woods and sees the tent in front of him. It seems like a good scene to start with, it’s not too complicated and it will give me a chance to show what my film is going to look like. Which brings me to my first problem; I am conflicted on what the movie should look like. I really want to animated the whole thing frame by frame in flash, but I don’t think that will be feasible. Its not the drawing out the frames that is going to be the most time consuming, it is going to be the coloring/texturing of each frame that is going to be the problem. I have been working on it for a couple of hours now and I don’t think it is going to work. I want it to be stylized, and I don’t t think I will have the time it takes to do it right. I am going to have to think of a different way to do my movie…

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Emotions project:

This week we are doing an emotion project. The goal is convey an emotion through music and animation.  At first I didn’t know what emotion I want to do. My first thought was to do something horror related and make the emotion fear. I started a storyboard for it and I just wasn’t getting any ideas, but while drawing I remember a script that I had written. It was a ghost story but at its core it was a story about loss. There was a scene in the beginning where the man is standing in the cemetery and reflecting when it starts to rain. I thought that this scene would be the perfect for this animation. I got to work on the story board and worked it all out, created all my graphics. Started to import them and then ran into a giant problem: I had way too many layers to get anything done. This problem made me go to the handy dandy internet and look up what to do:

Shy layers made this project possible. Thank you shy layers button!

Monday, November 8, 2010

More Puppet Pin:

During My found images project I tried to use the puppet pin feature of AE. It started out ok. I cut up monster and labeled everything. I imported it into AE and that is when the fun began. I didn’t realize that having all of the body parts in their own layers was going to be very hard for me to keep track of. I had keys every where and everything got out of control. I ended up keying the arms and legs separately and they started doing some crazy things. I wasn’t happy with the way things ended up looking and scraped the whole animation. I then went back and started over and only ended up moving the arms I couldn’t get the legs to look right.
This week, we are working on another puppet pin project, so I looked up some videos to give me some inspiration:

I think is something that you just have to be learned by trial and error. But these have given me some interesting ideas.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Found Images Project:

This week’s project is out first in after effects. It has been a while since I have worked in AE. It is taking a little while to get back into it, but I am getting back up to speed. I like working in AE. It lets you do a lot of things that you can do with Photoshop but you can animate it. My project is coming along, I have all the pieces in place and I have animated all of the simple stuff. I am now working on the monster. I want to puppet pin him, but I was not totally sure what to do. So I looked up this video tutorial:

It’s not the best but it helped some I now have a better idea what I am doing. Ill start work on that tomorrow.